Did Vatican II Teach Infallibly? by John Daly

by John Daly
Source:  Did Vatican II Teach Infallibly?

This is an excellent article showing that Vatican Council II fulfilled all the conditions for infallibility, but still taught falsely in its official documents on Faith and Morals in several places. Conclusion: the Council was without its head, i.e., the man who signed and promulgated the Vatican II Documents purporting to be Pope, namely Paul VI, was in fact an antipope and did not have the protection of the Holy Ghost promised to true Popes in such circumstances.

Mr. Daly also shows in this important article that while Paul VI, as well as the relevant footnote found in the Dogmatic Constitution, Lumen Gentium, both state that there were no extraordinary (extraordinary) definitions at Vatican Council II, they both also claim that the documents of the Second Vatican Council were covered under the second aspect of the Church’s infallibility, namely, the “ordinary and universal magisterium”, or daily life of the Church, as defined at the 1870 Vatican Council I. (Pope Leo XIII explains in section 9 of his encyclical “Satis Cognitum” or “On the Unity of the Church” — that the daily life of the Church includes the Mass, the Sacraments, disciplines, Canon Law, General Ecumenical Councils, and canonizations, i.e. practices or facts that Popes teach the faithful they must believe. Pope Leo also teaches that the formal (officially promulgated) definitions and practices of the Church must be “perfect”, as Jesus Christ willed.

(Note: Once the documents of a General Ecumenical Council are ratified by a true Pope, they enter the “daily life of the Church” forever, and can be trusted by the faithful regarding any matters touching on Faith and Morals. But the documents of Vatican II contained both heresy and false moral teaching, proving that Paul VI was a false pope, an anti-pope, and that the bishops at Vatican II were without their head (the true Pope).

Source:  Did Vatican II Teach Infallibly?