The 2015 update of “An Ominous Anniversay”, full color brochure published
by Chiesa Viva magazine, founded by the late Fr. Villa.
To read this full color article in PDF format CLICK HERE

The Real Explanation for the Crisis in the Catholic Church since Vatican II
The 2015 update of “An Ominous Anniversay”, full color brochure published
by Chiesa Viva magazine, founded by the late Fr. Villa.
To read this full color article in PDF format CLICK HERE
Jim, are you publishing comments yet? If not, let me know if I can help.
Jim, are you going to either publish comments or else delete the reply section here and in other articles?
It should have been done long ago. It’s a disservice to those who comment, and also makes it look like few people read the articles if there’s an empty comment section. This site certainly deserves better.
You can delete my comments since they were only meant for the Moderator.
Please delete my comments. They aren’t meant for this article. Thanks.